Monday, September 3, 2012

Broken toe???

Ah, so I am mid way into training for a half marathon and this past week I have been a terrible runner! Travis;s grandma passed Wednesday morning so I didn't run my 5 miles that night and with the funeral home Thursday night I couldn't do my pace run Thursday. Then I decided to take my normal Friday off as a rest day so my muscles wouldn't be too sore for my distance run Saturday night; and albe darned if I didn't break my toe Saturday!! I had just put Ayden down and finally fallen asleep (Due to crazy schedule, I had not been able to nap in 2 weeks) when the door bell rang and Maggie began to bark. AHH!! I ran to the front room half asleep and got my two smaller toe caught on the stone wall and went tumbling to my knees clinging my toes! There was an old lady at the door, not really sure what she even said, was in so much pain all I wanted to do was hold my toe. Finally, she left and I hobbled back in the house, forget a nap with the throbbing pain of my toe. How big of a baby am I, I thought. I had a natural child birth but am crying over a broken toe?!!? Well I decided to "RICE" it, something I actually DID learn in nursing school. I knew better than to run on the toe Saturday but decided I could post pone my run till Sunday, however I only made it a quarter of a mile before I had to turn around! Ugh, hoping it heels quickly, going to spend the day being lazy with it elevated, iced, and buddy taped! This picture was taken a few hours after it happened, don't mind my un-manicured nasty feet.

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